7 Important Things to Consider When Making a Will

Making a will is an essential task that many people neglect to do. A will is a legal document that outlines how you want your assets to be distributed after you pass away. Not having a will can cause legal battles, stress, and financial issues for your loved ones.

making will

Shockingly, studies show that over half of Americans don’t have a will. This means that if they were to pass away suddenly, their assets would be distributed according to state law. To avoid this situation, it’s important to consider these seven critical things when making a will.

1. Choose an Executor

Making a will involves making several important decisions, including choosing an executor. Executors are responsible for carrying out the instructions in your will. Therefore, choose someone you trust and can rely on. Ensure that your executor communicates with your beneficiaries and resolves any disputes that arise.

When choosing an executor, make sure they are comfortable with the responsibilities. Consider the availability and location of your chosen executor. They may struggle to fulfill their duties if they live far away or have a busy schedule. In case the primary executor isn’t available, a backup executor should be appointed.

2. Get Professional Advice

While it is possible to make a will yourself, seeking professional advice is always a good idea. A solicitor or professional will writing service can help to ensure that your will is legally binding, accurately reflects your wishes, and is executed properly.

Professional advice is particularly useful if your estate is large, your family situation is complex, or you have concerns about potential challenges to your will. Professionals can guide you through the process and ensure that your will is comprehensive and effective. Today, creating legally binding online wills with reputable services like Trust & Will is possible. These online services provide a convenient and cost-effective alternative to traditional methods for creating wills.

2. Decide on Beneficiaries

The beneficiaries of your will are the people who will receive your assets after you pass away. It’s important to be specific about who you want to leave your assets. Many assume that their assets will automatically go to their spouse or children, but this is not always true. Without a will, state law will determine who receives your assets, which may not align with your wishes.

When choosing beneficiaries, consider their age, financial situation, and relationship to you. You should also think about the impact of the inheritance on their lives. For example, if you have young children, you may want to set up a trust to manage the inheritance until they’re of age. If you’re leaving a significant amount of money to someone, you may want to consider the tax implications of the gift.

3. Be Specific About Assets

When creating a will, it’s important to be specific about which assets you want to leave to each beneficiary. Leaving assets to “all children equally” can cause legal battles and family disputes. It’s essential to be specific about which assets you want to leave to each person to ensure that your wishes are carried out.

When specifying assets, consider the asset’s value, location, and condition. You should also consider the tax implications of leaving the asset to a particular person. For example, leaving a rental property to one child and cash to another may result in unequal distributions due to the value of the assets.

4. Consider Taxes

When creating a will, it’s important to consider the tax implications of your decisions. Inheritance tax, estate tax, and gift tax are all potential taxes that may affect your estate. By planning, you can minimize the amount of tax your beneficiaries will have to pay and ensure that your assets are distributed as you intended.

To minimize tax implications, you may want to consider setting up a trust or gifting assets to beneficiaries during your lifetime. You should also consider the state and federal tax laws that apply to your estate. Consulting with a financial advisor or tax professional can help you navigate these complex tax laws and ensure that your beneficiaries receive the most significant benefit from your estate.

5. Name Guardians for Minor Children

If you have minor children, it’s essential to name a guardian for them in your will. Naming a guardian ensures that your children are cared for by someone you trust and who shares your values. Without a named guardian, the court will determine who will take care of your children, which may not align with your wishes.

When choosing a guardian, consider their age, financial situation, and relationship with your children. You should also discuss your plans with the potential guardian to ensure that they’re willing and able to take on the responsibility. It’s also important to have a backup guardian in case the primary guardian is unable to perform their duties.

6. Specify Funeral Arrangements

When it comes to making funeral arrangements in your will, it’s important to be as specific as possible. This can help ensure that your wishes are carried out and alleviate any confusion or disagreements among family members. Your funeral arrangements should reflect your personal beliefs and preferences, whether they are religious or otherwise.

You may wish to consider whether you want to be buried or cremated and where you would like your remains to be interred or scattered. You can also specify the type of funeral or memorial service you want, including any specific music, readings, or rituals you would like to be included. If you have any preferences regarding the clothing you would like to be dressed in or the casket or urn you would like to be used, be sure to include this information in your will.

7. Update Your Will Regularly

It’s important to remember that your will is not a one-and-done document. Your wishes for your estate may also change as your life circumstances change. That’s why reviewing and updating your will regularly is crucial to ensure that it remains current and accurately reflects your wishes.

Marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, the death of a loved one, or the acquisition of new assets are all significant life events that may prompt you to update your will. It’s essential to keep your will up-to-date to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your current wishes. When updating your will, it’s important to ensure that any changes are made following state laws and that your updates are properly executed.


Making a will helps you plan for the future and ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes. With these seven factors in mind, you can create a comprehensive and effective will that reflects your values, protects your loved ones, and maximizes your legacy. When making a will, take your time and seek legal and financial advice if necessary. Also, don’t forget to discuss your plans with your loved ones and ensure they know your wishes. A clear will prevents confusion and disputes in the future and ensures that your legacy is carried out as you intended.

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