There are several things to consider when choosing a major in college. You have to consider the employment rate, the tuition, the difficulty, but most importantly, your passion. If you haven’t decided on a major yet, chances are you’ve narrowed down the list of possible majors worth considering. In this list, you’ve probably included physics, hence why you’re here.

A physics major is a degree path which mainly deals with how the world works. A physics major student will most likely learn about classical and modern theories in this field while gaining practical experience by completing experiments in a laboratory.
At first glance, you’d think taking a physics major means you’d have to work as a scientist of some sort, but that’s not always the case. If you’re not aiming for such a profession, there are other reasons to major in physics at college other than satisfying requirements towards the degree you’re aiming for. Here are some of these reasons:
1. Physics Expands Your Career Options
Believe it or not, a Physics major gets you more career options than any other majors. It can turn you into a doctor, an engineer, a teacher, and if you’re planning on making a video game, your major can help you apply physics to make it more realistic.
Most recruiters know about this fact, and that’s why they put in a physics bachelor. Hence, even if you have zero experience, having finished your physics major makes you more appealing than other applicants. It might be hard to believe, but there are entry-level jobs for physics major out there for the taking. Additionally, majoring in physics requires one to develop their ability to ‘look at the bigger picture,’ making them better candidates for top positions.
Take the United States, for example. Out of all the science-related positions within the government body, two of the most important roles belong to physicists.
Furthermore, remember physics answers the question, ‘How does the world work?’. When you think about it, that question is too vague, but that’s what makes physics appealing. It teaches you general knowledge that you can use in many fields of studies, so your career path is far-reaching. You can become a well-known physicist by exploring the mysteries of the universe, or you can aim for a much simpler goal like developing medical techniques. Either way, you’ll have more freedom than most college students who’ve taken a different major.
2. You’re Most Likely To Get Higher Scores In Exams
Another fact that may come as a surprise is, those who major in physics not only pass exams with flying colors, they also get the highest scores in admission tests such as MCAT, GRE, and SAT, even better than chemistry or biology majors. This has been proven time and time again by statistics, which means it shouldn’t be a coincidence. Hence, it’s safe to assume that you’re more likely to get higher scores if you’re a physics major. Experts suggest that this is mainly because physics training and lecture teach valuable skills crucial in most real-world situations.
3. Physics Prepares You For Your Degree
Physics can also be a helpful asset when entering a higher form of education. It’s not exclusive to physics-related degrees either. It can also help you with the following degrees:
- Engineering
- Information technology
- Computer sciences
- Biology
- Finance
- Economics
- Journalism
Yes, as unbelievable as it may seem, majoring in physics can help you complete your journalism degree. That just shows how far-reaching physics can be. However, much like how better things are harder to acquire, if you intend to continue your path and take a physics-related degree, you must remember that it’s much harder to complete than other graduate degrees, although that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad thing.
4. Physics Is Challenging In A Good Way
You’ve probably wondered why despite being a very useful major, not everyone majors in physics. This is mainly because physics is challenging. It requires you to master many techniques and remember many theories. You’re dealing with the structure of the entire world, after all. Furthermore, if you intend to take a higher form of education while still specializing in physics, you’d have to prepare yourself for more challenges, but that’s also one of the most important reasons to major in physics.

For starters, due to its difficulty, you’re bound to develop many skills along the way, even more than when you major in other disciplines. You also don’t have to push yourself to earn an A, since your main goal to further your career is to simply know more than others. Lastly, since you’ll be dealing with more challenges, it’s safe to say that the tuition you’re paying is definitely worth every penny.
5. You Get To Know How The World Works
Many students tend to complain that if they major in physics, they ‘have’ to know how to world works and whatnot, but it’s actually the opposite. Majoring in physics means you ‘get’ to know how the world works. You’ll find out how cellphones and cameras operate, how your internal organs work, and how natural phenomena like hurricanes or tornadoes occur. Learning these things can open up a whole new and more beautiful perspective of the world.
Taking a physics major also provides you access to various tools that can make exploring the universe much easier, such as microscopy equipment, atomic physics equipment, laser apparatus, and more. Moreover, the world is becoming increasingly digital, and if you were to compete in the outside world, you need to know how modern technology works.
The good news is that physics is the basis for most modern technologies you see today, whether in the engineering sector, the scientific industry, or the government. Manufacturing technologies and instruments, in particular, mainly rely on physics.
Final Words
Physics has always been an appealing degree path to many students. However, students have developed the stereotype that physics majors are mostly scientists, but that’s not true. Even if you want to take a completely different career path, there’s a considerable chance a physics major will help you out, as you’ve seen in the previous sections. Hopefully, any misunderstanding you might’ve had before on physics is cleared up with this guide.