Medicine is one reason humanity has advanced so much within the last dozen years, allowing us to persist and thrive without worry of diseases ruining that which we have built. It’s fascinating to see how much the field of medicine has changed since ancient Hippocrates, the so-called Father of Medicine.

Those at the forefront of the medical field are called physicians – which is another name for a doctor – who are men and women who have been extensively trained in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of various health conditions.
The life of a physician is stressful and demanding, although it is also advantageous. Physicians are known to work long hours on their feet, parse through hundreds of patients, receive night calls, and run the risk of being sued for immense sums in case of a mistake.
If you’re considering becoming a physician or have already gone through the effort of acquiring your diploma, then we’ve prepared a small guide that can give you an idea of what’s expected of you.
There are about 30 medical specialities you can focus on, so you might want to think about specializing further than just being a generalist physician. The primary reason for this would be for a higher salary, as specialized physicians receive remunerations worthy of their talent.
How Can I Become a Physician?
To become a physician is to assume that your willpower is developed enough to power through at least 11 years of training. That’s easier said than done, with many budding physicians giving up halfway through to pursue less exhausting careers.
If you know for certain that is what you want to do, then the first step on your road to glory would be to complete at least 4 years of college. That means that you’ll have to acquire a bachelor’s degree, with the smartest students aiming for courses that are relevant to medical schools, such as biology, chemistry, or physics.
Once that’s done, you’ll have to prepare for medical school, which requires a fee of at least $200,000 depending on where you’re from. Entry into med school is also difficult since vacant student spots are being fought over worse than in ancient Roman arenas.
Medical school lasts for about 4 years and gives you the theoretical knowledge you need to come close to calling yourself a physician. Unfortunately, the med school doesn’t prepare you for the real world, which is why you’re also expected to undertake several years of residency.
Residency training is when you work under a more qualified and experienced physician to learn the trade tools. A rough analogy for residency would be apprenticeship. The residency takes anywhere between 3-7 years and is the period of your career that will kickstart your future endeavours.
What Do I Need to Land the Job of My Dreams?
The first thing you need is more than just a little bit of ambition. There’s always been a huge demand for talented physicians, yet the market is highly competitive despite this. You’ll have to (metaphorically) go toe-to-toe with more experienced physicians, so you’ll have to get ahead with a lot of effort and no small amount of determination.
1. Have the Perfect Resume
You heard that right. To have a chance at landing the job of your dreams, you should prepare your CV accordingly. That means perfect grammar, listing all of your relevant skills and achievements, and formatting every in a highly readable manner. If designing CVs is not one of your strong points, you should consider hiring a writer instead.
You’ll also have to write an impressive letter of intent through which to express how much of a perfect fit you are for the job. Let your employers know what you can bring to the table and just how much you can improve their operation if given a chance. Make sure to do it professionally, though, as desperation is never attractive.
2. Make Friends and Network
Establishing a solid online presence would be very helpful since almost all employers will Google your name in an attempt to dig up some dirt. While you don’t necessarily have to provide an illusion of how impressive your personal life is, having a professional LinkedIn profile or some blog or website under your name would only serve to benefit you.
3. Apply Properly and Follow Up
Applying to every job you can find is not the best of ideas. Instead, you should attempt to apply for the most relevant jobs that can offer you just as much as you can offer them. One-sided relationships have never been fun, and that applies to both romance and business.
Another thing you should do is to follow up after an interview. This is also called “throwing the ball in their court.” It shows your employers that you’re both interested in the job and not afraid to check in. Worst case scenario, they ignore you or, better yet, offer advice as to what you were lacking, which means you know what you can improve on. Best case scenario? You’re hired!
Trust a Doctor, Lead a Good Life
The most difficult aspect of becoming a physician has to go through years of training. If you’ve embarked on this path when you were 18, for example, then you’ll only be able to reap its benefits by the time you’re at least 29, which some consider being halfway through life.
Once you’ve become a physician, though, then a lot of doors are going to open. So many, in fact that you’re not even going to know which one to go through. Don’t be afraid of putting yourself in discomfort, as it’s later going to pay off.
The more you hurt now, the more you’ll enjoy yourself later. The fruits of your labor taste the sweetest when you’ve worked a long time to cultivate them. If you’re family-oriented, then you’ll be glad to know your financial security as a physician can offer a great many things for those close to you.
There are many vacant physician jobs in Texas for those willing to reach for them. Roll up your sleeves and get going! The best time, as always, is right now.