DIY an USB Audio DAC and Leave More Green Cow in Your Wallet!

Have immensely interest in the audio DAC design, and would like to DIY a low cost but powerful audio DAC? Ok, now you have the chance, as you’ll learn to create your very own audio DAC today. You will use the circuit PCM2902 for this project, where you will need to design the DAC from USB with this circuit on a one-sided PCB! Since the circuit board is a well designed wrong board, everything besides the crystal and USB connector will be placed from the bottom. Below here is the schematic diagram from datasheet of PCM2902.

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DIY Class A MOSFET Headphone Amplifier Can’t Even Be Easy Than Before!

You’re not satisfied with your desktop headphone amplifier? Then, just stop the complaint and DIY Class A MOSFET headphone amplifier! First, you will need to use a regulated power supply, which can be purchased from Radio Shack (10-20VDC and 750mA should be OK). The regulated power supply is responsible for regulating the power supply will ripple the rejection and eliminate any noise in the power supply. An IRF610 MOSFET and an LM317 regulator will be used in the Class A Mosfet headphone amplifier. Here is the step-by-step guide for the project; let’s get started… Firstly, you have to prepare an external CD-ROM (It would be better to have a power switch, power adapter receptacle, RCA inputs on the back, and headphone jack on the front). The amplifier is constructed on 2″ square protoboards from Radio Shack. You will need to assemble these components onto the board:

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DIY Sound Card – Is Time For You to Blast Off The Music

Do you think making a sound card is a complex and impossible mission? Then, you’d better think again… If you use the IC PCM2702 from Texas Instruments, you will create a powerful and well-built USB sound card. The best thing about a DIY USB sound card is you don’t need to install any driver for Windows XP/Vista, as they are already built-in. Just plug and play it! This construction’s central core is a 16-Bit Stereo Digital-To-Analog Convertor with the USB interface PCM2702, of course. You need several additional parts to work with the PCM2702, and it’s not complex as you’ve thought here. The sound card can be powered directly from the USB port (jumper W1) or the external power supply (jumper W3). Two power supplies, 3.3V (3V-6V) and 5V (4.5V-5.5V), are needed for PCM2702.

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Build a powerful bi-directional 2.4 GHz amplifier for less than $100

Would you want to add a bi-directional 2.4GHz amplifier to your proxim Symphony with less than $100? If you nodded your head, then pay attention to this project, as this will benefit you in the long run…

Ok, the meaning for bi-directional means you can simply mount the amplifier at the antenna, which this help to overcome any cable loss. In addition to it, the amplifier also can automatically switch between receive and transmit modes.

Some of the components you needed:

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