There’s always excitement at the release of a new iPhone but the next one off the shelves from Apple may go under the radar somewhat.
However, that’s not to say the iPhone SE 2, which is expected to be revealed in March, won’t be popular. Having experienced success with various models over the years, consumers are always waiting for the latest device to be released by the tech giants and there is an interest in the new features it will contain.

The SE 2 will be a budget phone, meaning it won’t have the same hype around it when it’s released but that shouldn’t prevent it from becoming one of the most popular phones around. Here we examine why.
It’s affordable
The standout aspect of this device is that it won’t price the average person on the street out. We all know that the latest iPhones cost a lot of money and whilst we can try to save and make cuts in certain places, the reality is that many people cannot justify spending in excess of £800 for an iPhone 11 Pro.
So, with reports suggesting that the SE 2 will cost around £379, it is clearly aiming to open itself up to a much bigger market. Demand for the product should be high, as it’s affordable.
There’s much to enjoy
Of course, the pricing structure means that it’s not going to be as high performing as some of the other iPhone’s out there but it will still be a very good, powerful device. Phones nowadays serve so many purposes: the days of using them solely to contact friends are long gone and they’re an important part of our everyday lives, no matter what your interests are.
For instance, sports fans want a reliable device to support their passion. A cricket fan can watch live games from around the world on their apps, have any breaking news pop up instantly and getting the latest cricket betting odds at the click of a few buttons. That’s what people expect, too: it’s about having everything at your disposal, from the test score from Australia or the local county news, it should all come through your phone. Social media is increasingly important to people, so whether you want to upload a holiday snap to Instagram or reach out on Facebook, you will want a phone that can do whatever you want effortlessly.
The SE 2 will do the job. The A13 processor that’s used for the iPhone 11 is expected to be used on the new phone and it will have 3 GB of RAM which should ensure solid performance without causing the issues that some may have experienced in the past.
Another important feature is the camera and the SE 2 will use the same primary camera as the iPhone 11 which will enable you to capture the perfect shot as you look to upload it to social media or share it with friends. That’s not to say everything about this model will be perfect. It has been suggested there will be no Face ID and the design is expected to follow the iPhone 8, so you won’t be getting a unique model in that sense.

Overall though, the iPhone SE 2, or iPhone 9 as it could still yet be called, has so much going for it and promises to be a very popular release from Apple. It will provide you with many of the great features you have become accustomed too and the best thing about it is that it will be at a price that’s affordable.