If your house insurance claim is denied, you should contact your insurance company to find out why. They may have a reason for denying the claim that you can work with. You should contact your state’s insurance department and file a complaint if they don’t.

Understand why your claim was denied
Your insurance company will mail you a formal letter explaining their reason for denying your claim; if your insurance company does not send you a formal letter, your claim has not been denied. This letter explains the specific language in your policy that justifies the claim denial. Please read the letter carefully, and compare their explanation to your understanding of your policy. If there is a legitimate reason for denying your claim, i.e., the premium wasn’t paid, or the type of loss (peril) is explicitly excluded from your coverage, there is nothing more you can do.
However, if you still believe your property damage should be covered after comparing their explanation to your understanding, discuss your differing views immediately with your insurance company’s claims adjuster and your agent, if you have one. Persuading a company adjuster to reverse a claim denial takes work. Keep going if you can show where coverage is promised in your homeowners’ insurance policy.
Why Should I Hire an Insurance Claims Lawyer?
Insurance claims lawyers specialize in the legal aspects of insurance claims. They are responsible for handling the legal aspects of insurance claims, such as negotiating with the insurance company and filing lawsuits.
Their main responsibility is handling the legal aspects of insurance. They are responsible for handling insurance claims and disputes and advising clients on how to avoid future problems.
There are many reasons your home insurance provider may have rejected your claim.
Amongst the most common reasons are:
Incorrect information
If you give your insurance provider incorrect information, there’s a chance your claim could be rejected. An example might be giving incorrect details about how your kitchen was damaged. It would be best if you made your claims form as detailed and accurate as possible.
Lack of cover
This is where you have attempted to claim for something not covered by your policy, like your dog tearing up the sofa. Most policies will not cover damage caused by pets. Accidental damage will cover many mishaps – like wine or paint spilled on a carpet – but it doesn’t come as standard on most policies. You’ll need to have requested it when you took out the policy and paid an additional premium.
Wear and tear
Home insurance policies usually say you must keep your property ‘well maintained.’ So if you claim damage caused by a roof tile that became dislodged during a storm, it may be rejected if your insurance provider can see that your roof has not adequately been looked after.
Lack of due care
This is where something you’ve done or not done may have led to an incident that triggers the claim. For example, a theft claim is unlikely to be paid if there is evidence that you hadn’t locked your front door or left a window open.
Non-disclosure of facts
our claim might be rejected because you haven’t been truthful with your insurance provider. Never give misleading information, and don’t try to hide previous claims to maintain your no-claims discount. It would help if you also told your provider about a significant change in your circumstances, like changing jobs or getting married.
Too late with the claim
Sometimes, claims are rejected if too much time has passed. Many insurance providers require you to notify them of your intention to claim immediately after the event, while some may offer a grace period of up to 180 days. As always, check your policy documents to be sure.
How to Choose which Insurance Claims Attorney to Hire?
The first thing you should do is find out what type of insurance claims attorney you need. There are many types of attorneys, and they specialize in different areas. For example, some attorneys specialize in medical malpractice cases, while others focus on personal injury cases.
It would help if you also considered the attorney’s experience level. You want to hire an attorney with a lot of experience handling your type of case. You can ask for references from other clients or look at the attorney’s website to see how many years they have been practicing law and how many cases they have handled like yours.
Finally, it would help if you considered the cost of hiring an attorney. Some attorneys charge by the hour, while others charge by the case or retainer fee. You want to ensure that you are getting good value for your money, so it is important to compare prices before deciding which lawyer to hire.
What do I need to include in my complaint?
If you choose to make your complaint via a letter, you should include the following:
The date, Your full name, and Your policy number
Any supporting evidence within the body of your letter and the main reasons behind your complaint
A clear outline of what you expect the insurance provider to do to make things right
Always proofread your letter before sending it, ensuring you have included everything important.
If you talk to your insurance provider on the phone, keep a record of when the conversation took place, who you spoke to, what was discussed, and, if relevant, what was agreed upon.
Keep any emails on file.
Let Insurance Claims Lawyers Help You with Your Legal Matters and Give You Peace of Mind
Hiring a public adjuster to manage the claims process can save you the time, trouble, and stress of handling things independently. They can often provide you with a free initial claim review. Hiring a lawyer and going to court is a final option, albeit one that will likely entail significant expense on your part.