What do you see in your future career? All cadres of graduates such as college and senior high school can take some steps to start developing your future career vision. Cornerstone is about professional networking.
For those who have no idea, networking is the procedure for developing beneficial relationships with professionals and peers with whom you share common interests, such as academic aids, professors, employers, or anyone you meet. To have more time for networking, you can always buy an assignment. Particularly, networking helps students link with business and company owners to scout for possible jobs.

Every college graduate has had experience networking via various jobs during their college career, but they are yet to be experts. The following are insights from campus professionals on networking.
Why we should create networking
To thrive in today’s economy, we need functional relationships. All vocational calling ranging from physician, photographer, accountant to authors needs to create and maintain relationships.
Establishing a connection with other people will help you get to the top, and a necessary element for every career. Networking helps students in all levels of their studies, such as those graduating from college and intending to pursue work in their fields or graduating from high school and looking to explore study opportunities. Networking is the pathway to your destination.
According to Dr. Rachel Hammond, an associate professor, who prepares students for their chosen careers, networking helps students make connections with prospective future employers and fellow students in the field and even offer encouragement, support, and direction during their studies. Besides, later on, when students begin to look for full-time jobs and internships that last beyond college life.
Getting started
It is a fact that we all have a built-in network to help us get started with networking. Friends, family, and everyone else we know who have common interests with us can be in a position to help us make links through their acquaintances and friends of friends. The ball is on your side to begin the process. The good news is that Cornerstone assists their students to get started with networking.
According to Gaertner, Cornerstone has a framework to support her students to develop themselves with opportunities such as annual career fairs and non-profit internships together with volunteer fairs. Students who have interest can check the Handshake events sections or talk to an advisor from either life path peer or career and life calling centre.
Additional tips
For a network to be strong and last extended, there should be a feeling of mutual benefit and trust from all parties. Networking relationships are not about what students get but should also consider what they offer to others in the networking cycle.
Hammond suggests that students should look for people with natural connections through their current relationships, alumni network, or colleagues. Former employers and professors can play a pivotal role in your future career. Students can use what they have but should not get afraid to step out of their comfort zone.
The majority of the students do not begin thinking of networking until the last year of their college life. However, it is not too early to begin building connections. The skill of establishing networks have the potential to move a student forward where other students are behind. Develop a solid base now for yourself so that you will be in a position to lean on in the future. Those interested in beginning their networking can get in touch with the career and life calling centre at the Cornerstone.