The basics of starting a vinyl collection

With the return of vinyl and turntables, there’s no doubt that you, as a music lover, would want to lay your hands on both. You might have bought the turntable, but wouldn’t you like to know how to build an excellent vinyl collection? If you haven’t found one yet, you can refer to this guide.

Our guide should be of use to you whether you are an old-timer or a newbie in the game.

Be Open

You need to listen to as many records as you can. To effectively achieve this, you need to take a chance on a random cover you find in the vinyl store. It would be best if you were open-minded, which makes the process more fun.


Money is always an issue whenever shopping for things you want comes up. In this case, it all comes down to how you feel about a particular record. That is, you consider if it has a sentimental value for you, if it’s a limited edition, rare, original, or used. Other ways to judge if a record is worth your time include its weight and the varnish thickness.

Subscription VS Buying Records

There are vinyl services which are an easy and stress-free way to build up your record collection. Subscribing to a vinyl service is helpful if you’re interested in listening to more contemporary records. Vinyl Me Please and Amazon have vinyl plans that vary.

On the other hand, stepping into a store to buy some vinyl might be the best part of the journey as you take the record out and physically inspect it, which leads us to our next point.

Taking the Vinyl for a Spin

Building a collection means that you take time to inspect the records you are buying. In cases of doubt, you can ask for a turntable and headphones to see if the copy is for you. During this part, you need to keep your eyes open for bootleg versions of records. Bootleg versions are usually the cheap ones which can be either fantastic or poor.

Clean, clean, clean

Before you play your purchased goods, you should clean them out first. Cleaning occurs because you have no idea how long a record has been in existence. Even some new vinyl have some left over from the production factory.


Once the vinyl is clean, you can pop them on. If you already have a turntable, that’s awesome, but if you are a newbie, you have some shopping to do – we’ve put together a list of the best all in one record player which will make buying a turntable easier for you. If you choose to purchase an individual turntable, you will need to buy some speakers and amplifiers.


To correctly build an enviable vinyl collection, you need to store them. If you want to keep them at home, you need some shelves built explicitly for the task. If you are always on the move, there are some portable shelf options from Crosley and Wax Stacks. Remember to store your records away from heat sources – your vinyl does better when kept in a climate-controlled environment.

The most important thing to remember is that starting a record is the same as buying some records simultaneously or over a period. Many individuals are prone to ask what the purpose of getting vinyl and a turntable is, so it would be best not to feel intimidated or old.

When starting your collection, your main aim is to have fun because whether others like it or not, vinyl records are just another way to enjoy music.

Author Bio

Carol Kong is a writer and an avid lover of everything music-related. She has years of good experience in music; this helps her create quality pieces that are informative and engaging.

She is a verified author on many top websites, a feat she achieved by producing captivating pieces rich in depth and value. She considers writing a means to immortalize herself and connect with generations yet unborn. Website:

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