In academic writing, people come across all kinds of written work, from research papers to depositions. There are a plethora out there. Still, in this article, we will be talking about essays and their many forms. Unknown to many, there are more than just a few types of essays, many enough that people often turn to college essay writing services for good results and better work.

We will not be covering every type of essay out there, instead we will focus on just ten and what they entail.
1. Argumentative Essay
The argumentative essay is used to express your views on a subject matter and why you believe you are right based on logical arguments, facts, and reasonable evidence. You can as well present the counter-argument and refute it with facts. The goal is to convince the audience by providing the truth without sentiment.
2. Critical Essay
Students are usually expected to have critical thinking skills. This is put to use in critical Prof Essays, where an item is evaluated critically. You will point out how well or how badly something was done; it could be a book, a piece of art, or even a movie. This is, of course, usually supported by evidence.
3. Expository Essay
In this type of essay, an idea, process, or item is carefully explained. It requires lots of research as these expositions are done indepthly, and details are very crucial. In the course of your essay, you will include definitions, examples, and various forms of analysis. It is one of the more complex types of essays.
4. Cause and Effect Essay
Though not as common as the rest of the bunch, you will likely cross paths within the higher institutions. As the name suggests, it focuses on the cause and effect of a particular topic. As you can imagine, it can be quite complex and therefore will require lots of research. For example, you may be asked to write on the cause of global warming and its effects. Writing on such a topic will require information backed by facts and evidence.
5. Narrative Essay
Also known as creative writing, narrative essays focus on storytelling. Usually, emotion, along with personal experience, is shared. Sometimes it might not even be a real-life event. Imagination is also allowed when writing narrative essays. They are usually also written in the first person to create and maintain a connection between the writer and the audience.
6. Process Essay
As the name suggests, this type of essay explains the procedure of something. Step-by-step processes are explained in easy to understand paragraphs. Process essays that tell about procedures are called Directional process essays, while process essays tell how something works are called Informational Process essays. Be sure to make your essay easy to read and also understandable.
7. Persuasive Essay
In a persuasive essay, the writer expresses his own view or opinion about a topic. The writer then attempts to convince the audience using coercion and opinions based on personal experience or sentiment. When writing this type of essay, you should know your audience, do some research, provide evidence, and present it with passion and intensity.
8. Compare and Contrast Essay
In compare and contrast essays, two dissimilar items are compared. It is the writer’s job to bring to light the similarities these items possess and their differences. It is also important to make a point, why are these two items being compared, don’t just list similarities and differences.
9. Descriptive Essay
A descriptive essay is basically about in-depth description. It could be a movie, a place, a character or an event. When writing this essay, attempt to paint a picture in the reader’s mind, be as precise as possible, let the audience see, feel and even smell what he or she is reading.
10. Analytical Essay
Quite similar to the descriptive essay, the analytical essay aims to be more detailed, but it still maintains its descriptive style. In this type of essay, your opinion is not relevant, try to stay objective and unbiased. This type of essay requires high technical skill and lots of research; that’s why it usually gets handed off to college essay writing services to better work.