Continuously running Raspberry Pi torrent client

Previously we have configured basic NAS storage on Raspberry Pi. Having such power and doing nothing with storage is a waste. To prove its usefulness Next logical step is to implement a torrent client on this machine. The benefit is obvious. You have a NAS server that is always available and a torrent client that downloads/seeds files without the need power-hungry PC. You can find many torrent clients that can be used in Raspberry Pi, but it seems that lots of people prefer Deluge, which has plenty of features and requires small memory to run. Deluge is great in its flexibility – the ability to run on desktop, through the web interface, and through ThinClient. The other popular packet is Transmission, which is also lightweight and has great WebUI. Transmission can handle magnet links from the web interface. And it seems it is easier to configure. So we are going to stick with Transmission.