Automation In The Medical Field

The advancement in technology and medical automation has led to the increased use of linear actuators in the medical field that has continued to render pneumatic and hydraulic systems obsolete. The use of actuators will vary depending on their sizes that range from the tiny ones (2” strokes) to the large ones (24” stokes). Other than changes in technology, several other contributing factors have necessitated increased actuators in the health sector. Key reasons for the increased usage of actuators in the medical field First, the size of a machine is a factor to consider when deciding the technology to use. Actuators are appealing in size, especially compared to hydraulics that can yield a similar amount of strength. Secondly, when in action, actuators produce less noise as compared to pneumatic and hydraulic solutions. The hiss and gurgle sound found in pneumatics and hydraulics do not exist in actuators that have triggered their continued use. The photo below is a sample of the actuator’s wheelchair. Another positive factor that has contributed towards the use of actuators is that they are precise. Pneumatic pistons can be positioned correctly at either full extension or retraction. Lastly, actuators have fewer moving parts implying that fewer…