Nearly 1.35 million people are killed every year globally in road accidents. Half of these lives could have been saved if provided with the proper care immediately after the incident. Most people hesitate to attend to an injured victim to avoid any legal formalities later on. Some people are just clueless as to what to do. There is absolutely no way to prevent accidents from happening. That’s why they are called accidents in the first place. However, following some basic first aid procedures might help save a life.

If you happen to witness a medical emergency, calling for help may not be adequate to save someone’s life. Due to the lack of teleportation technology, emergency responders take longer to arrive at the location. Meanwhile, you can do their job to save them some time. If you’re still not willing, imagine yourself in the victim’s condition. You, too, would want someone to step up for you, lessen your pain, and save your life. You don’t need to be a doctor to save lives – you need to be human only. For these situations, it is recommended to get the appropriate training, like first aid and CPR course Calgary, that would make a difference in saving a life.
Handling an emergency is no joke. Doing it with precision in an exceptionally time constraint environment is a talent that only EMS professionals possess. First responders undergo several types of training to be able to do what they do. They obtain various accredited certifications to proceed with their critical line of work. They take surveys and get emr rates for companies to complete their training. After all, responding to emergencies is a job not all can do. However, everyone should know the basics of providing emergency care. And it is fairly easy to learn these skills, anybody can attend an online CPR course. Continue reading to learn what steps to follow during an emergency.
1. Call Emergency Services
The first and foremost thing to do is call for help. Send your exact location and if you have no idea how emergency care works, ask to connect you with someone who can guide you. Other information to convey includes the number of victims, their condition, and surrounding factors. All of this can help EMS teams send the right kind of help. If there are any witnesses, ask them for more information about the incident, for example, how the incident took place, how long it has been, etc. This information can profoundly help EMS professionals to speed up their job. Stay there until help arrives.
2. Maintain your composure
Emergencies can have a toll on you. Not everyone likes the sight of splattered blood, injuries, and life being drained out of someone’s body. Before you go on to help someone, help yourself first. Clearing your mind will help you respond better to the situation. If you feel anxious, practice deep breathing. Visualize a place that brings you peace. Think of a beach, the sounds of waves crashing into each other, mountains, a lovely day with your family, a memorable vacation, or anything that makes you feel relaxed.
Shifting your focus to other things will help you calm down. Repeat a mantra like “it’s going to be okay,” “it will all be over soon,” etc. Don’t look at other people who are panicking. Practice mindfulness and tell yourself that it’s the fight or flight response that’s making you feel this way. It is easier to control your feelings if you acknowledge them first.
3. Ensure Whether The Situation Is Safe Enough To Proceed
Analyze the situation to know whether it’s safe to step in or not. If you witness a car accident, there might be a chance of the fuel tank exploding. If you see a house on fire, don’t jump in without having protective gear. The smoke will kill you before the fire does. If the home is old, there’s a chance that the roof might fall off. It’s why you need to be sure whether the situation is safe enough or not.
4. Analyze The Condition Of The Victims And Provide Care
Check the pulse and breathing of the victim. Tear any clothing that might halt the breathing process. If there are too many people around the scene, ask them to move back as they can suffocate the victim. If the breathing doesn’t seem right, perform CPR. If there is any bleeding, stop it before the entire body is drained. Losing up to 2 liters of blood can send a person into hypovolemic shock. The same can lead to organ failure or death if left untreated. Use t-shirts or other clothing and apply pressure on wounds to seal them. Ensure that whatever you use is clean to avoid the chances of infection. Don’t move the victim unless necessary. A wrong move can shift broken bones or ruptured arteries.
5. Comfort The Victim
Stress can worsen the victim’s situation. Start a friendly conversation with them to get their mind off the scene. Ask them about their family, interests, and whatever else comes to your mind. Some distractions might even help lessen the victim’s pain. If they’re panicking, ask them to perform the stress management techniques mentioned in the second point.
6. Handover Care To The EMS Team
Communicate the entire scenario clearly to the emergency personnel to make their job easier. Tell the EMS team what happened, how long ago it happened, how you found the victim, and your measures to help them. It will save emergency professionals a great deal of time this way. Miscommunication of the situation will only delay the treatment.
The Bottom Line
Emergencies cannot be avoided, but the consequences can be managed. If you’re a witness to a medical emergency, go out of your way to help the victims. Doing the needful may save someone’s life or prevent lifelong injuries. Step one is to call emergency services. Once you do that, calm yourself down to adapt to the situation. Check the victim’s condition and provide care accordingly. Check their breathing and stop any bleeding. Ask other people to remain at a distance to avoid making the victim feel claustrophobic. Lastly, try to calm the victim down by talking to them.