Deadly electromagnetic waves

Science has bestowed some real bountiful things that can play a vital role in daily life. The concept of electromagnetic waves originated from the evolution of material waves. The electromagnetic waves can be produced in intricate ways that can be costly by all means. Electromagnetic waves ionize the surrounding air to carry out certain immaculate operations, creating a defining magnetic field with the available volumes of the electromagnetic waves. The dependence on electromagnetic waves has brought in particular known and unknown implications endangering the person’s life in the process. They can be helpful in creating useful cracking of the bonds, enabling better performance of the compound. They are helpful in the magnetizing and demagnetizing of the particular material based on the person’s requirement.


Types of electromagnetic waves

Electromagnetic waves are of several types, and the utilization of the waves may be the element used for subdividing them in a qualified manner. They can be classified into ionizing and non-ionizing radiation depending on the waves’ usefulness to a particular situation. The non-ionizing waves are meant to produce specific distinguished effects on the person’s day-to-day life. Certain occupational and biological threats created by them in the form of hazards are notable in many ways. These hazards can even exploit humans’ tolerance level, creating ample problems for their bodies and general health. Microwaves help make the required temperature without any fuss. They are utilized in the controlled heating of the materials. This concept is extensively utilized in the food industry and also in the manufacturing of certain materials. Heating up of the ingots in specific industries are carried out by specific metal forming industries to captivate the profit obtained. The use of X-Rays is defined greatly by health problems. X-ray radiography is prevalent in most countries, making the electromagnetic waves help out the diagnosis process. The effectiveness of scanning can be greatly modified using the x-ray scans obtained due to x-ray radiography. Gamma rays are utilized in certain nuclear reactors to carryout bombardment of the fissile material.

Types of Hazards


The utilization of the electromagnetic waves can be devastating since the change in the flux and intensity of the electric and magnetic waves can significantly influence the electric current’s production at an unnecessary and undesired place. This could recoup all the factors that could make the electrical hazards occur, leading to several lives’ endangering without proper care. Hence one must focus the attention on creating electrical hazards free environment.


Certain biological aspects of the electromagnetic waves are astounding, creating the loss of the particular community of the earth’s wildlife. It provides unstable heating of the components that are close to the application of the electromagnetic waves.


Numerous health problems are created by these electromagnetic waves risking the lives of people in many ways. The spread of sarcoma can be clearly visualized with the utilization of these waves. Loss of blood cells is seen in most parts of the world caused due to extensive usage of these waves.


  1. what the hell? it doesn;t make sense,

  2. ummm…. that was not much useful to me.

  3. well.. when talking about the bad side, gamma rays, x rays, uv and IR rays can cause genetical disorders. in the nucleus of a cell, there are DNAs in the chromosomes. in a sequence of it, there are particles which decide the hereditory characteristics of a human being. if one of the above mentioned ray contacts with a sperm, the order of those DNA molecules may change. so, that will cause huge problems like genetical disorders.

  4. I have a very large head

  5. To be honest, all of this information is too complicated for the likes of me

  6. err potato

  7. I can’t read (or count) so this makes no sense to me.

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  10. Sorry i just walked into a tree, i missed the last post

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