The digital age has led to technological advancements. It’s impressive to see the progress made over the past decades. Robots, VR, and now AI, are making their way into different industries. Many sectors are trying to incorporate AI into them, but we have seen Artificial Intelligence being used more in online gaming. Click here to discover more about the world of online gaming and how you can get involved.
What Does AI mean?
First of all, AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, and simply put, AI is highly intuitive computer programming that collects and analyses data to help the computer make its own decisions.
The modern AI learns the tasks by adding more information to its database. As an example, facial recognition was introduced as a security method and is becoming popular. You can find this feature in the latest Android and Apple smartphones. The AI used for facial recognition learns each time to recognize your face better.
Artificial Intelligence runs on lines of code, and it can slightly make changes when it comes to a decision-making process. For example, AI learns to make changes based on percentages or alternating an outcome. The independent thinking of the computer doesn’t happen. The AI, for now, is a high-level machine that learns combinations and algorithms.
The Impact of AI in the Online Casino
For the gaming industry, the ability to make changes and alter the outcome of a computer sequence means a lot. Players that want to play an online casino game wish to experience a challenge or enjoy some game variety.
The older games that featured player vs. computer were predictable and offered slight variance in gameplay. However, with AI being introduced, the gameplay of a game can become more enjoyable. Different variations are made based on previous computer gameplay experiences. The gameplay experience is much more realistic, becoming similar to an actual human opponent.
AI has been able to make a massive impact in the online casino industry. The recent advancement of AI is the Libratus program, which can defeat the world’s best poker players.

In history, IBM’s Deep Blue defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997.
In 2016, AI impacted the world by besting the best Go player in the world. Go is a complex strategy game from China and is around 2500 years old. It has simple, deceptive rules. Players lay white and black stones on a large gridded board. The Stone of the same color that touches other friendly stones is the alive stones, while the rocks that escape routes are cut off. Behind the simple rules, the game is incredibly complex. The best players learn a lifetime to master the game.
Experts have taught AI computers specific sequences of tactical patterns. Meanwhile, experts like Hassabis and his colleagues trained a program called AlphaGo to function without preconceived notions. The program uses a deep learning approach, where calculations occur across hierarchically organized layers.
For short, AlphaGo “observed” Go games played between humans to learn the gameplay rules and strategy. The computer played several other games with itself to invent new Go strategies. AlphaGo mastered primary sequences to large tactical patterns, all by itself.
While we saw how an Ai functions with an AlphaGo program, computer scientist Tuomas Sandholm considers Texas Hold ’em harder. Tuomas designed the Libratus program, and he also helped to organize the decisive tournament.
It was noticed that cracking this type of play is trickier than mastering Go, where players know the opponent’s position. Sandholm told Live Science that poker is a piece of incomplete information and is harder to crack.
Imagine you’re playing poker against someone. It would be best if you thought of your hand, considered what is on the table and what the opponent is holding. To cope with this incomplete information, Sandhold and his colleagues relied on a different concept for Libratus. Nash equilibrium is a mathematical way of determining the best strategy for a game. The poker game can have ten possible plans out of 160 different situations. The program can’t calculate the perfect Nash equilibrium solution, but instead, it will approximate.
In 2015, Libratus was involved in a poker tournament, and it couldn’t defeat the humans. The match was always ending in a tie. However, the updated version of Libratus was used in a recent poker tournament and had a better end-game solving strategy.
With these few examples of AI programs, we can understand that deep learning machines are becoming advanced, learning by themselves and becoming professional, similar to humans.
Libratus, Alpha Go, and others are just a few examples of advanced programs. Instead, casino games from online casinos, like Admiral casino online, have various games. Sites help assemble the different spectrums in one place to allow individuals to find their way. Online casinos are using AI data to gather the gaming experience of each user. When players like a specific range of games, casino websites can determine which games are suitable and offer a personalized experience.
The Future
This new technology is transforming the gaming industry as a whole. Recent research from the Georgia Institute of Technology has advanced an AI that can create an entire game engine by watching and recording the gameplay of different games. In the future, AI may have the ability to create video games without human intervention.
In the casino industry, AI is getting much more advanced at stopping cheating players. We may see online casinos entirely made by the AI, with each site, web page being personalized for each player.
Unfortunately, there is a struggle between AI machines. On the one hand, there are AI machines that strive for authenticity and fairness for online casinos. On the other hand, others are trying to create an unfair advantage when it comes to gameplay. We wonder which version of thAI’AI’ss will come out.