4 Worst Things For Your Health (According to Research)

It’s no big secret that maintaining good health is an important part of living a long and healthy life. For some people staying healthy may be as simple as working out a few times a week, and the rest of the time they think they can do whatever they please. 

healthy woman

However, in reality, it’s not really about what you should do to stay healthy, but in most cases, it’s what you should not do. If you’re looking for ways to stay healthy, then here are some of the things you should not do according to research.

Leading a Sedentary Life

A sedentary lifestyle may seem nice from the outside, as we have very little to do and not a lot of stress. However, in reality, research has shown that sitting for a prolonged amount of time with your feet on your coffee table, and watching TV is not good in large doses.  That doesn’t mean you can’t have spurts of being sedentary. Relaxation is encouraged. 

However, you need to incorporate regular movement into your day. If your job requires you to sit for long periods, then you must get up and get moving for at least 20 minutes. Incorporate a little walk into your day, or maybe even some muscle strengthening. Doing this will significantly improve your health.

Poor Diet

As they say, we are what we eat. The more conscious you are about what you include in your meals, the less likely you are to develop problems like obesity which in turn increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, and even diabetes. Your diet is so important that research has shown that poor dietary habits are the cause of over half of heart attacks in the United States!


Some of us are so used to living in a stressed state of mind that we see it as a normal way of life. Yet, being in a constant state of stress is one of the worst things we can do for our nervous systems. 

It can lead to all sorts of health issues like high blood pressure and even mental health disorders. Not to mention, if you experience high levels of stress regularly, it can even lower your immune system. 

Try to do whatever you can to lower your stress whenever possible. Whether it’s taking more breaks from work, or practicing deep breathing exercises, stress doesn’t have to be something you endure nonstop.

Lack of Sleep

When was the last time you had a full 8 hours of sleep? If the answer is quite a while ago, then this one is important for you to listen to. Sleep is an incredibly important part of staying healthy not only physically but also mentally. When you get enough sleep you’re able to recharge your mental battery, and ultimately feel better inside and out.

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