IoT makes it possible for devices to be smart and connected, producing data that generates knowledge and makes our daily lives more efficient and our economy more heated. The future of the internet of things has the great potential of software and the internet to the physical world, revolutionizing our way of life through sensors, information, encryption, and clouds.

Several revolutionary technological tools are converging to multiply the opportunities generated by connecting devices that are part of our daily lives. We are on the right path for the connected device revolution to improve our quality of life and transform how we work and be gas in our economy, creating jobs, industries, and opportunities for a more prosperous future.
6 major advances of the internet towards IoT
1. Smaller and cheaper sensors
The sensors are getting smaller and more powerful, allowing devices to see beyond human capacity. Enabling devices to sense and control the environment is a fundamental part of creating a connected network.
2. Smart software can be embedded in any product or solution
This allows the connection to the internet and the cloud, making them smarter and enabling their integration. It also makes it possible for the system to be improved through simple software updates. The codes have grown so much that refrigerators, for example, had more lines of code than a computer 20 years ago.
3. Connectivity is getting faster
Also, it is ubiquitous and going further. To reach their full potential, devices must be connected utilizing high speed, low cost, and wide coverage. Connections prepared to deal with denser networks are already being developed to be more flexible and faster.
4. Internet analysis software in the cloud
Analysis software is using the cloud to make data more accessible, useful, and increasingly valuable. When two devices communicate, it is essential that the cloud exists to store, process, and analyze the data obtained.
The cloud also ensures that data is stored and consulted remotely and allows the creation of integrated and intelligent systems that leave devices increasingly smarts. Intelligent analysis of information tied to devices results in a much more powerful network than simply adding them in isolation.
5. Internet security technologies are continually evolving
This initiative is essential to ensure that devices are connected, and data is protected. For example, the more connected devices are, the more we need technologies to renew themselves to ensure the network’s safe use. Encryption, for example, is already used to ensure that only enabled devices are connected to the network and to protect data.
6. Innovation is not restricted to large companies
But it is also born in the garages of independent entrepreneurs and inventors. Thus, with the proliferation of connected devices and clouds and the facility to buy and connect sensors, the path between idea and prototype and between prototype and product is shortened, facilitating the creation of solutions connected by independent inventors. This means that innovation is no longer limited to large corporations. Call our experts today for IoT development services.