Automated Guided Vehicles

Automated Guided Vehicles help transport the raw materials, semi-finished products, and finished products within a workplace. Initially, in any industry or a workplace, the materials are transported from one work station to another work station manually or by using a vehicle that the human operates. Because of the manual interaction, the time taken for transporting the materials is high, and because of the increased time, the production rate of an industry comes down. To increase the production rate and utilize the resources like labor, machine efficiently in an industry, Automated Guided Vehicles have been brought into existence. The Automated Guided Vehicles cannot be installed in the workplace as such. It needs a lot of planning and design. This is because the Automated Guided Vehicles installation is costlier, and once installed, it would be difficult to change them. Thus, before installing the Automated Guided Vehicles, the Automated Guided Vehicles’ installation and movement region should be pre-determined. The layout of the company plays a vital role in the Automated Guided Vehicles system installation. Automated Guided Vehicles’ primary purpose is to reduce the travel time of the raw material or the workpiece. So the shortest route between the workstations has to be identified,…

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Topobo – robot with kinetic memory

Robot toys are trendy among children these days. Especially DIY robot kits are getting more popular as these kits stimulate imagination and creativity. Topobo kit is becoming a most playful robot kit with kinetic memory where the assembled robot can memorize its motion and play it back. It is possible to teach robot various motions like animal walk, dance by simply guiding it. Three researchers of MIT Media Lab developed Topobo. This is not a new toy, but since 2003 it was used for various exhibits, and only a few lucky could try this toy. Now, this kit is widely accessible.

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Unveil the Secrets of Atanua!

You’re one of the home hobbyist and you love to spend most of the time doing the electronic projects in the weekend? Then, you must know how frustrated it will be, if the project that you’ve done cannot function properly according to your need? Well, cheer up! All you need here is an assistant that can help you off. Then, this Atanua can be your little helper here. Here is a little extra fact for the word “Atanua”. According to the Polynesian, Atanua is the goddess of the dawn and wife of Atea. Atuanua is the one that created the seas after her having a miscarriage and filling the oceans with her amniotic fluid! (Well, it’s only one of the Polynesian myths.) For your information, Atanua is a real-time logic simulator, where it was designed to help you to learn the basic Boolean logic and electronics. It uses OpenGL hardware-accelerated rendering and a custom UI. This way, it can help us detect the fast workflow and a shallow learning curve, thus concentrating on learning the subject quickly. Basically, the Atanua UI consists of three main parts, which as: The component list The work area Buttons for useful functions, such as…

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