DIY USB to RS232 adapter
Sometimes you need to connect some device to a COM port, but the computer doesn’t have one, especially a laptop. There are two ways – go and buy a USB to COM adapter or build one. So if you decided to build a USB to COM(RS232) adapter, there is one solution. This adapter is straightforward to build as there is a single-chip USB to UART bridge (CP2102). This chip from Silicon Labs supports USB2.0 full speed. Internal Resistors are required for the USB interface, integrated clock, internal 1024 -byte EEPROM for Vendor ID, Product ID serial number, power descriptor, and other information. SP2102 USART part support almost all standard features of RS232 communication including handshaking, Databits (5, 6, 7, and 8); 1 or 2 stop bits; odd, even, mark, space, and no parities; baud rate from 300bps to 1Mbits.